Rebecca A. Burg
Christian Mentor and Coach
Nineteen years ago, I started my career in ministry. It is not the career path I had set out on, but one that God had nudged me towards in His gentle way. I planned to become a teacher, and in my early twenties, I obtained my bachelor's in Elementary Education from Anderson University. After teaching 5th grade for a year, I felt this draw and excitement to a career in vocational ministry.
Over the span of fifteen years, I had the privilege of being on staff at two different churches. I started my ministry career as a Children's Pastor, but during those fifteen years, I found my most profound passion was in my role as a Discipleship Pastor. As a Discipleship Pastor, I obtain my ministry license and training in pastoral care.
During Covid, God laid on my heart a path to disciple and care for others differently. I watched as individuals felt lost, anxious, fearful, and alone by the onset of Covid. I also experienced many individuals blaming God and walking away from Him and the church. In this season, God brought Luke 12:6-7 to mind. "Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? Yet, not one of them is forgotten by God. Indeed, the very hairs on your head are all numbered. Don't be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows." I knew at that moment that God was calling me to mentor individuals by walking alongside them in their hardships and helping them see that God has not forgotten them but is actively working in their lives. I started Sparrow Mentoring in 2020. My passion is to remind individuals that God has not forgotten them but is always moving in their everyday lives. Together, my clients and I explore how to discern and experience God and His redeeming nature in their lives.
When I am not working, I enjoy spending time with my husband, Jonathan. I met my wonderful husband, Jonathan, after reconnecting at Lifeway Christian Bookstore. Jonathan and I attended Kindergarten through High School in a different state, but God brought us together in Indiana. Jonathan and I have been married for eighteen years and are parents of two wonderful boys. Life brings me much joy when I hang out with my family, go on dates with Jonathan, read, and spend time in nature.